Miami MD Review: Age Defying Lift and Firm Cream + Dark Spot Corrector

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Sarah says:

    I am 44 years old, and in the last five years, the wrinkles on my forehead and on my top lip have gotten really bad. My face looks like I’ve aged 10 years. :(

    I am really suffering from my past mistakes – I smoked for almost 20 years (11 years smoke free!), and I tanned. I want to roll back the clock because I am a super responsible adult now!!!

    Which product(s) would you recommend for someone like me?

  2. bonnie says:

    Just wondering how long it takes before seeing results. The reviewer above said 4 weeks but she said she indicated she didn’t have very problematic skin YET. My skin is 77 years old so it is undeniably more advanced than hers. I do take cholesterol medicine, a statin. Is there a problem using this if I have high cholesterol? Do not post my email address.

    • Jenny Wu says:

      With any anti-aging product you should wait at least 4 weeks for results to show, but sometimes it can take up to 8. Everyone’s skin is different so there’s no way to know for sure until you try the product. As for medication conflict, that should be a question for your doctor.

  3. Liz Starkey says:

    I have acne scars, will this help with any of acne scars plus enlarged pours. I am 70 years old. I would love to have pretty skin or at least some help with my skin. I’ve had troubles skin ever since a teenager. Can you help with something? Thank you, Liz.

    • Jenny Wu says:

      The dark spot corrector may help fade acne scars, but enlarged pores can be tricky because you need to find out their cause to best address them. For example some people have enlarged pores due to excessive sebum production which clogs them, and in that case BHA can help. They can also be enlarged due to age, then you should incorporate ingredients like retinol or niacinamide (Paula’s Choice Niacinamide 20% Treatment is a great one).

  4. Anne says:

    Hm, I am so much into comfort these days that the texture issues would put me off, even if the product performed well.

    Anne from “Doctor Anne”

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