2017 in review: a year of gratitude, beauty discoveries, and more

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Sanam Hana says:

    I enjoy most makeup and beauty reviews on your blog.

  2. Jenny says:

    I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Marc Jacob’s products as well, but so far most of them have been a hit for me, even when it comes to mascaras which I’m super picky with!

  3. Phoebe says:

    Thanks for the year in review for beauty products.

  4. Sounds like an awesome year for you! I hope your cat is doing much better too!

  5. TC says:

    I am so glad that 2017 was a good (for the most part) year for you in terms of blogging. I think it’s fabulous you were asked to be Klairs brand ambassador. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, and neither did your love for the brand. I hope 2018 will be a good year for you! Keep on blogging, Jenny ^^

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Tara! I’m hoping 2018 will be an even better year for everyone as well. For me as long as my fur babies are healthy that’ll be a good year for me! ????

  6. Hei says:

    So glad to hear that an emotional year is coming to a good end :) I hope Copper will recover completely and will continue to make your and your readers’ life brighter for a long time and that you’ll be able to to keep up the amazing work with your blog!

    • Jenny says:

      Indeed! It couldn’t have ended on a better note :) Cooper is all better now, and yes, I do hope he’ll be around for many, MANY more years to brighten my photos with his fluffy presence. Thank you so much!

  7. Amber says:

    This post was amazing to read. I am so proud of you on how far you have come and the posts that you have brought. I always love reading your reviews and seeing your honest opinions. Keep it up, and hope next year goes just as well.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words and for all the support over the years! This blog has gone through huge transition since its early days but I’m glad you stuck around! ❤️

  8. Mili says:

    Awww this was such a sweet post to read, Jenny! I agree, the community that comes from blogging is definitely the best part. I love building friendships with my fellow bloggers :) I’m glad I discovered your blog within the past year (or maybe it was 2016 I don’t remember lol.) Thanks for the generous giveaway and good luck to everyone who enters :) I’m tempted but I already have too much stuff XD

    Mili | sharmtoaster

    • Jenny says:

      Aw thank you Mili! I’m so glad I found your blog too, I don’t remember how (I blame my old person brain) but your posts are #goals – always so informative and entertaining!

  9. Thegfguide.com says:

    Great picks! I never heard of a lip mask, but I definitely want to try that some day!

    Marije | thegfguide.com

  10. And hai to Cooper ????????

  11. Yay for a great year! Your blog has a lot of time and heart put into it, and it shows. ???? -Angela

  12. Kathryn says:

    You’re amazing, lady! I always love coming to your blog and reading your posts. I know basically nothing about beauty related things or products, but always find myself more informed (and with new brands to look into) after reading. Also, this is the perfect use of that GIF lol. Thanks for such a rad giveaway, too!

    Kathryn • simplykk.com

  13. Wow! Becoming an ambassador for a brand you truly love is amazing!!! Congratulations ???? and your cat is so adorable, so glad to hear that he’s doing better ♥️


  14. Emily says:

    Ahhh this is an awesome giveaway! I remember you mentioning this brand a few times. Would love to try it! I never do these but I am totally entering. The posts I enjoy the most from you are just undiscovered brands. I always find new brands because of you!

    -Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com

  15. Alyssa says:

    Oh wow! What a year you have :) You prove that it’s not about the quantity, it’s the quality. It’s not about how many followers you have, it’s about how many genuinely engage with your posts. Your product reviews are so thorough and informative as well plus you accompany them with clear and well-styled photos so I’m not surprised you were selected to be one of Klairs ambassador :) keep up the good work!

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY | Worldwide K-Beauty Giveaway!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words Alyssa! I really do hope more brands will recognize quality > quantity, as there are so many smaller blogs out there with fantastic content!

  16. What a beautiful and thoughtful post Jenny! I remember keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for Cooper’s recovery, that photo of him is just too precious. You should frame it (if you haven’t already!). Also congratulations on being selected as a brand ambassador! Smart brands see quality, not quantity and there is plenty of it on this website! Hugs xx

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Naya! You guys were so sweet and supportive throughout the Cooper’s sickness, I can’t express my gratitude enough. And yes, I really should print out some photos of him and Shelly to frame!

  17. Beautiful post Jenny! I love this year in review, so many great highlights!

    S | Je M’appelle Chanel

  18. melody marilyn says:

    I love your skincare reviews. Have been a silent reader for quite some time. Not that I follow your blog but it always appear when I search for skincare reviews lol. I like your review on Skin Actives: http://geekyposh.nogbcgugjh-eqg35pyl14xn.p.runcloud.link/5-top-picks-from-skin-actives/. I’m interested in the ELS serum but it seems to have comedogenic oils. Do you use it every day? Are you prone to clogging?

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Melody, I’m always happy to hear from readers! Hopefully my response to your question on the Skin Actives post answered your concerns!

  19. Sarah says:

    Love reading your year end recaps. I hope you will continue with your blog. While I like Instagram, I thoroughly enjoy reading blog posts…maybe I’m just old school. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

    • Jenny says:

      So glad to hear that Sarah! I will definitely continue with my blog as I enjoy writing long posts (I’m quite opinionated as you can tell..haha ???? ), so I’m glad you guys like reading them!

  20. nyashanicole says:

    Ook! Everyone is going on about Klairs. What am i missing? Really need to get onto the train. Haha


    • Jenny says:

      For me Klairs hits the sweet spot of being affordable, but effective – especially if you’re looking for something gentle and hydrating! I’ve had really good experiences with most of their products and repurchased some of them several times!

  21. Kay (shoesandglitter) says:

    Wow, that a lovely giveaway! I would love to get my hands on these goodies. <3 Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Also, I agree with you, 2017 went by so quickly! It has been a good year though, I think. Also, I have to say I absolutely love the aesthetics of your blog. Your layout and photos are so gorgeous, neat and very inspiring. xoxo


    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much Kay, that means a lot! I do think in spite of a few hard moments, 2017 has been a good year overall, and hopefully 2018 will be even better!

  22. TY says:

    Congratulations, and a happy 2017 ending to you too. I love coming here to read your reviews and reflections (and to check out the pretty pictures :) ) Thank you for spreading positivity, yet keeping things honest. Keep it up, and have a fruitful 2018!

  23. Klairs is an outstanding brand that has a lot of great feedbacks. Great discoveries of amazing brands. 2017 has been so good to you.

    StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova

    • Jenny says:

      Klairs really is a great brand, I hope to see their line expand more in the future! 2017 had its ups and downs, but overall I can’t complain!

  24. Kasie says:

    I love the sentiment behind this post and am so happy to hear that 2017 has been such a special year for you. I’m also happy to hear that Cooper is better! There is nothing worse than a furry friend going through something scary medically!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Kasie! Yes, Cooper being sick was definitely one of the toughest periods in my life, and I’m just so glad for a second chance with him ❤️

  25. Cat L says:

    Such a great post Jenny. Indeed this year seems to have flown by way quicker than others. Perhaps it’s just me, I’m just getting older.
    I remember the time when Cooper got sick and I am SO happy that he made a fast recovery and is back to 100%. I really enjoy connecting with you here and on Instagram. Your posts are very inspiring and I always learn something new from you. Excited to see what the future holds.
    ~ Cat L

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words Cat! That period was definitely one of the toughest of my life and I’m grateful for all the support from you guys during that time. For me this wonderful community is really the most rewarding part of blogging!

  26. This is a beautiful post Jenny! I just started following you, the middle of this year and I’m always so impressed with your reviews. Congratulations on being a Klairs Ambassador. I’ve learned a lot about them through you. I definitely want to try them and the Instytutum line. Your Instytutum reviews really impressed me.


    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you, so glad you enjoy the reviews, I’m always worried if people would find them too long and wordy ???? I can’t recommend the Instytutum line enough, I’ve really enjoyed all of their products so far!

  27. Hannah says:

    Congratulations on everything, and I can’t believe you have been blogging since 2002! I’m happy you kept with it and started Geeky Posh, as I’ve learnt so much from you. I hope everything with Cooper is okay now too, he is adorable! A huge congratulations on being appointed as Klair’s brand ambassador too, that’s massive!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Hannah! Haha, I can’t believe how long it’s been either, and it’s been fascinating just seeing how blogs went from personal journals to become what they are today. Cooper is all better now, and we couldn’t be more grateful for a second chance with him :)

  28. Such a lovely post. And yes the year has gone by so quickly but in some ways I’m glad. 2017 was a mixed bag and a lot of clearing out the old. I’m looking forward to the fact that in 2018 some things in my life that just weren’t serving me are well and truly gone. x


  29. élise says:

    congrats on being appointed as klair’s brand ambassador! you really deserve it! also, i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again: thank YOU for geeky posh because i learned a lot of skincare stuff from you and i get to know indie brands too. i am also thankful that you managed to convert me to use sunscreen religiously ♥

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you!! It always makes me so happy when I hear that you guys have learned something helpful from me haha. And YAY for using sunscreen religiously!!

  30. Congrats on everything, girl! This post was so refreshing to read and thanks for introducing so many new products I’ve never heard of!


  31. Becky says:

    jenny!!! i only wish i discovered your blog sooner! you’re literally the definition of geeky posh, i’ve learned so much from you in the short time we’ve been friends!

    HAHAHA i was actually surprised that klairs “wasn’t” on the list at first! so happy you’re a brand ambassador for a brand you truly enjoy – there needs to be more things like this! people should be brand ambassadors because they truly love the products, not because they have millions of followers, you know?

    my sis loves the marc jacobs pencil liners too, i’ve tried them (never shelled out the $$ for em though) and they’re even more creamy than the urban decay ones, but they set so nicely too.

    thanks so much for the giveaway! can i give a copout answer and say all of your posts are my favorites?! but hmmm, if i had to narrow down, i’d say something that reviews a product in depth – i don’t have an understanding of *everything* you write about, but i enjoy learning little things and about the ingredients!

    becky @ star violet

    • Jenny says:

      Ahh thank you so much for the sweet comment Becky, especially that part about me being geeky posh! ????❤️ I totally agree with you on the brand ambassador thing, and I do think more brands are starting to realize that number isn’t everything, so we’re making progress!
      Also thank you for your feedback on the post! It’s always helpful to learn what you guys actually enjoy so I’ll know what to write more of in the future. And please don’t feel bad about following for entries, I listed them as options on rafflecoptor for a reason! ????

    • Becky says:

      ALSO sorry i tend to forget that bloggers have instagrams too LOL i feel kinda bad because it feels like i’m following you purely for the giveaway .___.

  32. Sam Hodgett says:

    Aww I loved this post, I could tell it was so heart felt and I loved reading it. Congratulations on becoming a Klairs Brand Ambassador, very well deserved. I will have to check out these brands, especially that Instytutum Eye Cream you’ve been raving about! I hope you do continue to blog as the years go on regardless of the numbers, as I, for one, take great joy in reading your posts!!

    Sam Hodgett || Beauty, Food & Lifestyle

    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much for the kind words Sam! ❤️ And yes definitely check out Instytutum, they’re on the pricier end but their products are fantastic, they’re also having a 30% off sale now!

  33. nushsix says:

    I love your reviews. They’ve helped me make quite a few purchasing decisions.

  34. Helene Bozlinski says:

    I have enjoyed every Klairs product I have purchased. Thank-you for the opportunity to try even more Klairs products! Congratulations upon being named the brand ambassador for Klairs. That’s a lovely accomplishment.
    Happy holidays!

  35. bilqees bano says:

    I really like your skincare post .. my fav is : My skin brightening routine

  36. Yvonne says:

    Congratulation on your achievement! Thanks for the introduction of Klairs cosmetics. First time I’m hearing of this brand!
    xo Yvonne

  37. Stephylately says:

    Girl you should be proud of your accomplishments. I kept smiling as I read through this posts and I commend you for being in the blogging girl till now and never giving up. God knows its not easy. Congratulations on all your accomplishments.


    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much!???? I’m definitely happy with how far this blog has come, but I know it wasn’t something that I could’ve done alone ????

  38. Chrystal G says:

    What a lovely giveaway. I really trust your reviews and I like your writing style and the science :) Haven’t been reading that long, only a few months, but this one is becoming one of my favorites!

  39. Aww congratulations on becoming a brand ambassador Jenny, that’s awesome. Thank you for all your lovely posts and recommendations, hope 2018 is an even better year for you :)
    Coco Bella Blog

    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much Demilade! ???? It always makes me so happy to hear you guys like my post/recommendations ???? Hope you have an amazing 2018 as well! ????????

  40. Aw this is such a sweet retrospective on this past year Jenny. I was the same way when I first started blogging but discovering and becoming part of the fabric of the blogging community has really taken it to the next level for me and that’s what really makes the whole process so gratifying and rewarding. Congratulations on still blogging after all these years and thank you for this lovely giveaway. I always enjoy your skincare reviews but one post which particularly stuck out to me of lats is the one you did on spending wisely during the holiday sales season because cutting down on blind consumerism has been a huge goal for me this year.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Rowena! ❤️ I agree, I feel like the relationships we build, whether it’s with other bloggers or readers or even brands, are the most rewarding part of blogging. Living more minimally and being more mindful of my spendings were 2 of my goals this year, so that post was sort of like a summary of what I had learned in 2017. So glad you enjoyed it! ????

  41. Sal UmmBaby says:

    Aw I am so happy to have come across your blog. Your pics are stunning and your cat is beyond gorgeous! ;) I love the Klairs toner and its definitely one of my fave discoveries this year too. I am so excited for you that you’re an ambassador. You go girl! XXX


    • Jenny says:

      Aw thanks so much Sal! I’d love to include more of my cat in my photos, but he can be so uncooperative sometimes! ???? I remember reallu liking the Klairs toner a lot when I first used it in 2015, but their recent reformulation made it even better!

      • Sal UmmBaby says:

        I heard it was reformulated and I was happy to hear this newer version is so much more appealing. And yes, please! We want to see him more. He looks exactly like my sister’s cat who I looked after for 3 weeks – he slept next to me and followed me around and everything. As soon as he got home, he threatens me to stay away from him. I love him even though he hates me lol! xxx

  42. I prefer skincare reviews (no surprises here), but in general i just love reading your blog and am grateful that i discovered it through Shireen in 2017.

    Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

  43. Such a refreshing post Jenny and congratulations on being selected as the brand ambassador for Klairs! It’s so kind of you to include your readers in such a momentous occasion and wishing you a very festive holiday season <3

  44. Mica says:

    Oh congratulations on becoming an ambassador, that’s so exciting! :) It’s sweet that you thank your readers and followers too, but the brand picked you for you, make sure to give yourself a big pat on the back for that!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    Hope you are having a great start to the week and all your Christmas preparation is going well! I’m hoping to wrap some more presents today!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much Mica! I feel like the ambassador opportunity was a result of multiple things, one of them being you guys’ support, so I had to give a shout out and credit where credit is due ????
      Speaking of Christmas preparations, I still need to decorate my tree! I’m so behind this year, haha ???? Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  45. Lorena says:

    Congratulations, Klairs ambassador sounds good. I do not comment often, but I always read your blog.

  46. Sam says:

    Yaym it’s so exciting that you’re a klairs ambassador! You really deserve it; your content is something I always look forward to reading, especially that body care post! All of your reviews are amazing though, I learn so much from you!

    Sam / My Beauty Cloud

    • Jenny says:

      Aww thank you so much Sam, I’m so glad to hear that! I was surprised by the amount of positive feedback on the body care post, but it’s so encouraging to know that you guys enjoyed it ???? Thank you again!! ❤️

  47. Shireen says:

    Hugs! I love you and all your hard work here and I know many will echo the same sentiment as me. I might not be your longest readers or followers but I am loyally reading and following for all the years to come. I learned much from you and you pretty much have been my guide in my foray into the AB world so I thank you for that.

    I don’t have a favourite post from you, as cliche as it sounds I love them all equally. And congratulations again on being chosen as Klairs brand ambassador, they could not have chosen a better person. xx

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    • Jenny says:

      *Hugs back!* Ahh this comment gives me all the warm and fuzzies, thank you so much for the kind words! I’m so glad we became friends and I’ve discovered so many amazing products from you as well <3 Not sure my wallet appreciate it but I definitely do! ????????

follow on instagram for more cats + skincare + lifestyle content
follow jennywlove on Instagram for more skincare reviews!