5 beauty supplements that I swear by

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Élise says:

    as someone who has suffered from long term rosacea acne, i’m currently browsing for probiotics too! i heard from my favourite youtuber who’s also a skincare expert (it’s liah yoo!) that she also takes probiotics, omega-3 fish oil and zinc. i’m not sure about zinc but i’m definitely going to start looking into probiotics. i’m also planning to take evening primrose oil again. if i remember correctly, EPO is good for hormones so hormonal acne or period can be better regulated. as for omega fish oil, it’s something i’ve been taking for quite some time now but i never really noticed any effects. oh well, maybe it’s also because since i have such a stressful life and occasional dehydrated skin that i feel like the fish oil isn’t doing anything.

    likewise, i also like taking spirulina as my antioxidants. i never knew antioxidants can help with acne and inflammation because when i took spirulina, the only hope i had was to give me some energy so i don’t feel sluggish. i guess it’s a win win situation now.

    and then of course i also take multivitamins (just a budget friendly one from kirkland which may not be the highest, premium grade for vitamins but eh, whatever? lol) and then a separate vitamin D3 because i have vit D deficiency from not being able to be exposed under the sun (the sun and my rosacea aren’t bffs)

    recently i bought pure matcha powder and i’ve been enjoying brewing my own matcha tea latte so i’d cut down coffee. the only thing i still find difficult to avoid is sugar. it’s not that i’m a total sweet tooth on daily basis but when i’m under stress, i tend to binge eat sugar. not only it’s bad for my skin, it can also halt my period. this means i have to stop adding vanilla syrup into my matcha latte, yikes!

  2. Emma says:

    I am obsessed with Matcha! I definitely need to try it in my skin care too <3


  3. Allie Mackin says:

    These all sound great. I have been thinking of take collagen though not sure if taking it orally is effective. And I do need to take a probiotic

    Allie of

    • Jenny says:

      I’m a bit conflicted about the actual efficacy of collagen powder. I know so many people (especially in Asia) swear by them, but the research is limited, so I’m glad this powder has other ingredients in there as well!

  4. I need to check all of these out! Thanks for sharing!


  5. Diana says:

    I’ve always been curious about supplements but didn’t know where to start. Your post made me a bit more wiser on what I want and what to get!

    Diana * http://www.dianasayshi.com

  6. Jessica says:

    Will take note of these, especially the dietary supplements. Thanks for sharing dear!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    • mandy moise says:

      I am actually the seller :) I saw your post on the AG social media, and just wanted to let you know it is still around! We work directly with them. The exp dates are 11/19- so its plenty fresh :)

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks for sharing this! I saw it too, but I noticed it was being sold by a third party seller, so I suspect it might be leftover inventory :( Amazing Grass’ official site no longer includes this flavor, so I do think it’s being discontinued.

  7. Marina W says:

    This post is beyond stunning, you look so chic.
    Can’t wait to read more from you :)

    – Marina W

  8. I am yet to jump on the beauty supplements bandwagon but one that i’ve been eyeing is from Halo beauty – the kiwi supplements. I really want to try those.


  9. I’m on the hunt for some good probiotics because the ones I was taking before don’t seem to be working that well. I’ll definitely have to check these out, thank you!


  10. Maria says:

    This was such a helpful post. I’ve been looking into supplements since I don’t always eat very healthy. I haven’t tried these or heard of them but they seem amazing! Thanks for the recommendations!

    xo, Maria

  11. Jade Goddard says:

    Another stunning post

    Jadieegosh   Instagram

  12. Mai says:

    I was using Care/of for a bit and I really liked how convenient it was because I didn’t need to buy a bunch of different bottles. I’ve stopped for the time being, but I would recommend them too!

    ✰ maidoesthings.com

  13. Naya says:

    I definitely learned a lot after reading this post! Jenny, you are so smart, beautiful and inspiring – I am so happy to call you a friend quite honestly. I am sure this article is going to help so many (clueless) people out there (like myself). Thanks for sharing xx


  14. Gemma Etc. says:

    Thank you for sharing these. I haven’t heard of any of these before, but I definitely want to try more supplements xx

    Gemma • GemmaEtc.com ❤️

  15. Mica says:

    These all sound really interesting! The only one I’ve taken before is a probiotic – over time doctors have recommended various ones to me but I have one I love now! I guess apple cider vinegar counts as a beauty supplement too? That one is the best!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue

    • Jenny says:

      I feel like probiotics are one of the few supplements that almost everyone can benefit from! And omgosh yes, I love apple cider vinegar, I ran out of mine a while back and it’s definitely time to restock!

  16. Lisa Autumn says:

    The Green Superfood one looks amazing!

    x Lisa | lisaautumn.com

  17. I take Omega-3 and Zinc, as recommended by my dermatologist against cystic acne, and magnesium to help with leg cramps I get when working out. Other than that I never committed to any kind of supplement with the exception of prenatals when we started trying and throughout both pregnancies.
    A balanced diet is so important, I couldn´t agree with you more.

    Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

  18. What a great read. I’ve never quite delved into the world of supplements until lately. I’ve been taking my usual calcium but since I included a collagen chew I noted results with my skin and since I’ve started looking into this more. I love the sound of the Hyperbiotics. I have psoriasis issues which have really started flaring up this past week and would love to see if this helps in some way.


  19. p.s. If you are expecting (congrats if so!), your hair falls out at a slower rate. The post partum hair fall is no joke though!

  20. I’m very intrigued by the care/of vitamins and really like that it’s a custom blend of vitamins. I’ve also been looking for good probiotics forever – thanks for recommending Hyperbiotics (anything that can be bought through iherb or Amazon is especially awesome!)

    • Jenny says:

      Definitely check them out if you want a more personalized formula, and I love the wealth of information they provide so that you know exactly what you’re getting and why you need to take it!

      I’m not expecting yet, but we are planning for it, hence the prenatals :) Yikes, I’m not looking forward to the post partum hair fall, hopefully I’ll have grown enough hair by then withstand the fallout!

  21. We swear by Hyperbiotics Pro-15 as well. We take it for gut health but definitely don’t mind the skin benefits. I really only take supplements for general health and wellbeing though my MSM supplement which I take for a joint issue does seems to also make my hair and nails grow much faster (which I kinda hate). I try to eat clean and avoid sugar to feed my skin. Eating avocados regularly always seems to help my skin look good. Such a hardship I know ;p OMG prenatal vitamins! I didn’t realize you were expecting Jenny. How wonderful! Congratulations to you and your husband!

    • Jenny says:

      Sugar can make such a big difference, I definitely notice that my skin is better when I stay away from snacks but I have such a sweet tooth! I used to make avocado smoothies and really enjoyed them, until I got a horrible stomach cramp so I stopped ^^;;
      I’m actually not pregnant yet but we are planning, so friends have recommended it’s a good idea to start taking prenatals now :) But fingers crossed!

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