More than just a lotion – the AMOREPACIFIC Essential Creme Fluid review

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Love anything contain green tea extracts.
    Bet this one is great for the skin as well x

  2. Kay says:

    I can never wrap my head around just how awesome and thorough your reviews are, hun! You cover everything anyone would want to know about a product! :) I would love to try this one, THE PRICE THO!! Pretty expensive although to be fair ,skincare is one of those things that I believe is definitely worth investing in, since it has such an impact. I am always sold by anything with green tea extracts, I love green tea in my skincare, I find that it really works wonders. :) Thank you for sharing, beaut, I hope you are well. <3 xoxo


  3. jane says:

    Seems like a nice cream though it’s quite pricey.
    Thanks for sharing your honest review

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  4. Zorica says:

    Love the packaging.
    Great review.

  5. Great post! I can get overwhelmed with skincare because I really don’t know much about it. I enjoyed the informative post.

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty

  6. Naya says:

    What a lovely and detailed review! I have never tried anything from Amorepacific, but this could be a great start! This creme fluid sounds dreamy xx


  7. Alyssa says:

    Okay, this product sounds REALLY nice. I’m using facial oil right now and I like it but I never really like the finish on my skin. When you said this absorbs instantly in your skin and leaves a velvety smooth finish, I’m sold! :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

  8. Mercy says:

    Nice to know about the use of this product, you really write detailed and informative reviews.

  9. Sam Hodgett says:

    Hope you’re having fun in Taiwan Jenny! This fluid sounds right up my alley (except the price tag), but I’m very intrigued by the benefits and your hand afterwards almost looked like it had a filter. I haven’t tried any thing from Amorepacific yet but this products sounds like a great place to start!

    Sam Hodgett || Beauty & Lifestyle Bits

  10. Well Jenny, I’m gonna turn 23 in October. So you can get it for me for my birthday :D. Because my, my, that is quite a price. Also, I have rlly dehydrated skin, so I need that oil. Although yes, the packaging is beautiful. On another note I checked your drama list, lol– you been watching some Japanese stuff I see. Have you heard of Terrace House? I’ve been hooked recently.

  11. Shireen says:

    This actually sounds really lovely, Jenny but $125.00CAD for 90mL which yes, is a decent price for AmorePacific because you get so much product but to fork out that much for one product, ugh. I would definitely consider this if my skin is combo/oily but for my normal/dry skin, I can’t bring myself to buy this.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

  12. I drink two cups of green tea a day and I sure wouldn’t mind applying it to my skin as well since it has such potent antioxidant and moisturizing benefits. This sounds incredible! I like using lotions/emulsions for an extra boost of moisture under my moisturizer since my skin is dry. I’m s glad to hear you’re feeling better about blogging since your last post Jenny :) So envious you’re in Taiwan. I haven’t been back since living there as a child.

  13. Ooh have fun on your holiday! This moisturiser sounds perfect and what gorgeous packaging. I love the sound of it being luxurious x

  14. I tend to favor lotions over moisturizers due to the lightweight feeling, much better suited at my skin type.

    Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

  15. Olga Olis says:

    Sounds like such an amazing lotion! I really wish it were cheaper! Thank you for posting such an insightful review!!!

    Olga from Myme

  16. Cat L says:

    The research behind this and ingredients are quite impressive. I would love to try it but as you also mention, the price point is a little steep. I will definitely get a sample from Sephora and see how it fits in with my routine. Great post Jenny. Your reviews are always so informative.

    ~ Cat L.

  17. Janine says:

    Your photos of this product are just gorgeous! I haven’t used lotions either for the same reason you mentioned. And Essence is another thing where I wonder how to really fit it in. I usually do it in lieu of toner if I use it. This sounds so wonderful! Especially for the summer. What a great review! oxxx

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