Anti-aging for all skin types – the Hylamide SubQ Anti-Age Serum review

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Marina Rosie says:

    Can’t believe I haven’t read this yet though Jenny, Imma try to keep up to date from now on! xx What a fabulous review, this seems like a product that my mother dearest would like! x
    Lots of love,
    Marina Rosie xx

  2. Thanks a lot for such a detailed review Jenny! I have never heard about this product before, but now am curious to try it!

  3. Tara says:

    Bleghhhh. I think the scent alone would instantly turn me off! I can’t stand things that smells horribly. :( I am okay with the Missha one I use, but if I want a new one, I am steering clear of this one ^^;; Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this product :)

    • Jenny says:

      Haha, I may have made the scent out to be worse than it really is, but once you get used to it it’s not that bad? XP I have a love hate with Missha products – they contain so many ingredients in their products, it’s impossible to figure out the cause of an allergic reaction when one does happen :/

  4. Bernadette says:

    I am so keen on trying out this brand. There are many things from hylamide that sound good to me. This serum being one of those products. Great post, loved your detailed review.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Bernadette! Though I’m still testing out the vitamin c and hyaluronic boosters from Hylamide, I can tell you that this serum is by far my favorite out of the 3. Makes me want to try their SubQ anti-age eye serum now!

  5. Kathryn says:

    This is such a great review, I love that you broke it down into a rating for each specific feature it has. It seems like this really would be the perfect product for layering…especially with that light weight texture! I guess you can get past the unpleasant smell if it’s effective!

    Kathryn •

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Kathryn! Even though I’m trying to minimize my routine, adding this serum doesn’t feel like an extra step at all because it’s so light! Luckily the unpleasant scent is very brief, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to use it twice a day ????????

  6. Mili says:

    Thank you soo much for this review! I was just contemplating this serum at CVS the other day lol. The wet rag smell sounds… unpleasant to say the least but I’m glad to hear that it works ;) I’m so impressed at the ingredient list aaaaand the fact that it has a nice pH. I’ll definitely need to keep my eye on this :D

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

    • Jenny says:

      You’re welcome Mili! Haha, the smell isn’t too in your face and it does go away after you start massaging it in, otherwise this would be way too painful for twice a day use!

  7. Lyosha says:

    sounds very interesting. serums are very useful indeed! thanks for sharing the post and opinion!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. would you like to follow each other?

  8. Blush Canvas says:

    I pretty much use up whatever skincare product I’m using before I jump into another but I’ve been wanting to try stuff from Deciem for so long. I just don’t know where to start! I find there’s a lot of overlap with the brands and products. I’ll have to set some time aside to research it properly (which happens to be one of my fave things to do).

    Advaita | Blush Canvas

    • Jenny says:

      I try to use up my products first before purchasing a new one, but sometimes I just give in to the temptation, haha. I agree that Deciem has a lot of similar products across their different lines, and from what I’ve read online, the key difference seems to be the potency of the ingredients used, though it doesn’t necessarily correlate with its effectiveness (at least according to reviews). Definitely recommend reading lots of reviews before deciding which one you want :)

  9. Maggie Krol says:

    Thank you for the detailed review! I agree, everything takes time. I am still on the search for a good eye/anti-aging cream as well.

    Thank you for sharing.
    Xoxo, Maggie

    • Jenny says:

      You’re welcome Maggie, thank you for reading! I’m also on the search still for a good anti-aging eye cream – the good ones I’ve tried so far are moisturizing only :(

  10. Hmm, this sounds really lovely but the price…eek! I’ll let you in on a little secret or maybe not so secret of mine, I have been using The Ordinary Matrixyl 10% + HA around my eye areas, leave it for about two minutes or so before layering my normal eye cream on top of it and I swear my eye areas are looking brighter and fresher. I got the tip from Gothamista which my new skincare guru. LOL!

    • Jenny says:

      Yeah, $38 for 30ml is a lot, so thank goodness for the frequent 30% off deals! Thank you for the amazing tip, but darn it now I need to get The Ordinary Matrixyl 10%!

  11. Jenny, you’re really selling me on this! We have a new Deciem store opening right around where I live now so it’s been hard on my self-control to only buy a few things at a time! I’m going to give this a go soon – the SA recommended this to me as well!!

    • Jenny says:

      Ooo, that’s awesome! I would love to visit one of their stores and see all these products in person! They do have so many product, it’s hard to just pick a few!

  12. Laura says:

    Hi Jenny! I purchased this product last year and used it all up, but I didn’t notice any difference in my skin. On paper the ingredients were very promising, but the performance didn’t impress me. Wouldn’t repurchase. I get a better plumping effect from my Asian essences, although they are much more expensive. I gotta say I love the look of your blog and clarity of this post though! xxx

    Laura / Laurantaina Beauty Blog

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks so much Laura! :) Sorry to hear that the product didn’t work though, it’s extra disappointing when the ingredients look so good too! But I’m glad you found better luck with other products, though I’m now curious, which Asian essences in particular gives you the best plumping effect?

  13. Another brand that has been on my list to check out, but like you already said: So many products, so little time! I will keep it in mind for later, even though at my age anti-ageing skincare is no longer preventive only.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    • Jenny says:

      That’s got to be one of the most common struggles with beauty bloggers! The biggest selling point for this serum is its texture, so it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for something light :)

  14. Cat L. says:

    Hi Jenny, thank you for bringing us this review! I’ve had my eyes on this serum for some time now (IG can be very persuasive) as I simply adore peptides and hyaluronic acid in skincare. As with most serums, I would expects the results not to be drastic overnight, it just takes some time and commitment. I also really like that this is available at CVS. Will most definitely give it a try! Thank you Jenny!

    ~ Cat L.

    • Jenny says:

      You’re so welcome Cat, thank you for reading! Definitely make sure to get it when CVS is having a sale, as the bottle goes quite fast with daily usage!

  15. This does sound lovely and I agree, anti-aging products in general take time to show their results so we must be patient with it. Too many times people will say something doesn’t work but it’s because they are not being patient and giving the product the time it need to work it’s magic although I admit there are some products out there that are just dud and no matter how long you use it, will do nothing for your skin. I will add this to a list of serums to try in the future. xx

    Ann-Marie |

    • Jenny says:

      I totally agree Ann-Marie! Usually I try to finish at least half of the bottle to see if I notice anything at all, and if by the time I finish the entire bottle there aren’t any significant changes, I won’t repurchase. With anti-aging it’s especially difficult if you don’t have a lot of lines or wrinkles, because then there’s really no way to tell if it works or not!

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