More glass skin glow with the I Dew Care Say You Dew Moisturizing Vitamin C Cream

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Gemma says:

    I don’t know how I’ve not come across this brand before. I really like their branding, and more skincare brands should totally make yellow packaging, it looks so vibrant and happy! I think I’d really enjoy this, it sounds great! xx

  2. They like a dew pun haha! I always like anything glowy and this looks like a good one Jenny, I will keep an eye out for it. xx

  3. Chanel says:

    I’ve seen I Dew Care products at Marshalls/TJ Maxx every once and awhile and the packaging is so cute. It’s good to see that the product is quite good.
    S | Je M’appelle Chanel

  4. Bash Harry says:

    Love hearing your thoughts on it! Personally, I’m not too picky with moisturizers but I do like something light for the day.

    with love,
    Hey Bash

  5. It’s always a nice surprise when a product exceeds your low expectations :) Too bad that applying sunscreen on top erases the glow that it imparts. This sounds like a nice moisturizer though I suspect it might not be hydrating enough for me during the cooler months.

  6. Anne says:

    Do the contents separate again after a while, or do you just mix once and then are done?
    I agree with you on the ingredients in a moisturizer: All the fancy stuff sure doesn’t hurt, but the main purpose is a different one!

    Anne from “Doctor Anne”

    • Jenny says:

      Nope they don’t separate! It does take some effort to make them blend seamlessly though, I was too lazy so mine stayed chunky the whole time.

  7. Shame about the vitamin c claim/slight lack of. Makes me think I really should check the ingredient list on my products and not be so trusting! Though I know for the most part the majority wouldn’t/shouldn’t be so misleading.


    • Jenny says:

      It’s always a bit of a letdown when brands feature a star ingredient but the amount included is quite low. Ironically I see this issue more with popular brands!

  8. Allie Mackin says:

    Hmm not bad. Can you put it on after the sun screen maybe? I will have to keep this mind!

    Ah love this look! You look great :)

    Allie of

    • Jenny says:

      You could but then you wouldn’t really get the skincare benefits since the sunscreen will act as a buffer. So to get the same glow I’ve just been relying on the Glossier Futuredew instead ????

  9. This sounds lovely but yes, I agree on the ingredient list not very impressive. I do find we can’t judge a product solely on ingredients though, I have some products that I thought would be brilliant turned to be a dud and some with mediocre ingredients turned out to be brilliant. Skincare is so weird. LOL!

    • Jenny says:

      It really is! I feel like ingredients only tell a small part about the product, there’s really so much that goes on in the formula that we can’t tell on paper!

  10. Jennifer says:

    I really love the packaging!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

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