This category of ingredients contains any component that is extracted from the chamomile flower, some of which are listed in the “terms to look for” below. Studies have shown that chamomile extracts and its components have soothing, skin healing (source), and antioxidant (source) properties. Certain components like bisabolol have also been shown to have brightening effects (source).
But since this is a plant extract, it’s possible to have an allergic skin reaction to the ingredient, especially when it’s listed as “chamomile extract” in the ingredient list, as it can contain the skin-sensitizing components. Also, sunscreen must be worn if using products containing guaiazulene or azulene, as both of these components can cause skin damage when exposed to UVA rays (source).
Terms to look for: guaiazulene, azulene, anthemis nobilis, matricaria recutita, bisabolol