Oh sheet! 6 mistakes you might be making with sheet masks

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. MissLaven says:

    Love this article! And I guess many of the people here in Germany which are new to sheet masking are pretty much doing all of the “mistakes”. My preference when it comes to material is definetly bio-cellulose. Had the best experiences using masks like this.

  2. Sakura says:

    Thanks for the tips! I am guilty of leaving my masks for too long. >.<

  3. Velvet Blush says:

    This was a really informative post because I want to try some more sheet masks but I don’t know where to start! Also, I would have probably gone for the more affordable ones, but now I know that may not be the best choice. I honestly was starting to think people sheet mask every day going by some youtube videos I watched, I was like wow that must be expensive! Anyway, I’m rambling, great post and I’m off to read on your sheet mask recommendations x

    Velvet Blush

  4. jane says:

    Pretty informative dear.
    I love putting mask every week

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  5. Lyosha says:

    putting a mask after cleansing is perfect ritual to me. not too complicated and not too short. just perfect. I’m so happy k beauty happened.

  6. Élise says:

    is2g every time i miss a post from your blog and then come back to it, i feel like i just missed one whole college session!

    i didn’t know there could be this much info about sheet masks. after reading this, no wonder there are really expensive sheet masks out there, although i’m sure brand names also play a part in these price. but like for instance, innisfree has 2 lines of sheet masks and both are priced differently. i never bothered to see why it’s like that but the next time i visit the store, i feel like spotting the differences. before this, i used to use sheet mask on days where i knew i wanted to use clay mask. i’m not sure if it’s correct to use it like that but i never expected anything from sheet masks other than a quick pick me up and instant hydration boost. sometimes i can go on one full month without using sheet mask since i’m stingy like that. i also didn’t know that the best way to use it is after serum. hmm, that’s interesting.

    tbh, i kind of expected pictures for each of the material hehe but that’s a-okay. thanks for the free leson!

  7. Great post! I always put my sheet mask on after cleansing, so now I will make sure I don`t do that anymore. I do get your frustration with blogging, I quit so many times, and then came back after a couple of months. I decided that I`m not going to let stats bother me anymore, I do this for me. I`m also not trying to have a schedule anymore, cause it makes blogging feel like a chore. Now I just write when I feel that I want to share something with the world.


  8. Cat L says:

    Such a great post Jenny. Love the title! :) I’m a fan of masking in general and have only recently started incorporating sheet masks in my routines. They are game-changing!

    ~ Cat L.

  9. Caitlin says:

    As much as I would love to sheet mask more often who wants to spend a tonne of money? I typically only use them once a month.
    ||Caitlin|| https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/caitpaige-beauty-games-life-19379679

  10. Zorica says:

    I love sheet masks. They are a perfect way to relax and treat your skin.

  11. Amy says:

    I’ve had a run of buying them purely based on cute packaging which I know is bad. I had a really awful rose gold one which stank of alcohol. I’m going to be following these tips! I always leave them on until dry, oops!

    http://amyevans.co.uk – Amy

  12. Phoebe Whittle says:

    So interesting! Thanks for the tips
    P xx

  13. Katy Long says:

    Gosh! Thank you for point six! I always thought leaving the mask on until it was dry was the way to do it! I never even though about the material of the mask though, that’s extremely interesting. I’m suffering with cery dry skin at the moment, so I was on the hunt for a moisturing mask, I’ll be following your tips!

    Also, I understand your fustration, particularly with social media, but I know that I and so many others love your blog! Obviously, if you’re not enjoying it then do what is best for you, but I would certainly miss you!

  14. I should take note of some of this
    I am guilty of leaving the mask for too long.

    Much Love, Jane | The Bandwagon Chic
    New Vlog Entry!

  15. Janine says:

    I’m totally guilty of leaving the masks on too long thinking I’m adding benefits. I also never thought of putting my serum on first. This is a great post! I really feel like I learned something. Well done!


  16. Freja says:

    This was so informative! I tend to stick to regular face mask instead of sheet masks because they work better for me but this really make me want to give sheet masks another try!


  17. Christine K says:

    This was a great read – had no idea I needed to apply serum before a sheet mask! I do love my sheet masks but will look much closer at the ingredients list and type moving forward!


  18. hena tayeb says:

    wow that is a lot of great information. thanks for sharing. I haven’t started to use sheet masks as often as I’d like but these are some great things to keep in mind when I do.


  19. Marina Rosie says:

    I don’t know why because this sounds rather cringey but I feel like I was genuinely laughing at those shit/sheet puns – how immature am I! x I love a good sheet mask, they feel so good on the skin! But, yes, I agree, you really have to pay attention to ingredients to know you’re not just putting sheet on your face (mine was rubbish, I know) but I never knew that the best time was after your serum – totally going to be doing that! x

    Look, jenny, I know sometimes it can be really frustrating and difficult to handle blogging (I’ve taken literally months off because the pressure is rather a lot) but look at how many people you’re inspiring. You were one of the first people to ever comment on any of my blog posts – you symbolised hope for me, hope that people were actually reading what I put out. And, still, nowadays that hasn’t changed – you’re basically my blogging idol Jenny, the one I look up to. It would be a real shame to lose you because you always keep it real and you inform as well as entertain, which is actually rather a difficult thing to do.

    Chin up princess,
    Marina Rosie xx

  20. I recently got into sheet masking and it was because your blog post, Jenny! So please don’t think if anyone cares about your blog, the detailed information you share and your rants.. cos’ I honestly DO CARE! You are one of the few bloggers whose posts actually encouraged me to get into skincare cos’ to be very very honest here.. I used to feel a lot of lies get said on internet! I have learnt so SO much from you, whether it is about blogging or skincare and it breaks my heart to see you feel this way! I know how it feels as I have been there once, I actually feel this way about instagram right now. But taking a break does help, it worked for me with my blog so I really hope the vacation works for you! And please never be sorry for sharing your rants and outburst, it honestly helps to know and relate to you even more!

    About sheet masks…ahh I did so many things wrong, leaving the masking for too long and daily part! But thank God I have sheet masked or shall I say shit masked ( :P ) only twice cos’ I guess I used microfiber one and it used to make my skin feel very icky and itchy! I need to remember these points especially with checking the ingredients and the mask material! Thank you for sharing such a detailed and a really helpful post! Will say it again.. please don’t quit, your posts are what actually helped young, clueless about skincare girls like me!
    P.S. Sorry for such a long ass comment, I suck at writing my feelings in short.

    Hope you’re having an amazing vacation! :)
    Ankita | Real Girl Talks

  21. This was so informative Jenny! I always leave sheet masks on until they get dry but lately I have been taking them off while they’re still moist. Good to know this change is for the better. I feel you the frustration I feel from Instagram really makes me never want to use it and considering I only post content from my blog because I don’t really take pictures with the intention to post later if you get what I mean? Nevertheless I love your content, and your blog is so well curated! I would be sad to see you go. Maybe you should take another break? Sometimes I find not posting for awhile and finding the joy in small things makes me excited to blog later.

    S | Je M’appelle Chanel

  22. Olga says:

    Oh nooooo! I love your posts so much, please don’t quit!!! I love how informative your posts are and I’m always happy to see a new post of yours! For example I had no idea that it’s better to use a sheet mask after my serum! Thank you so much for this informative post, I loved it! I’m really looking forward to your next post!!!

    Olga from Myme

  23. Bernadette says:

    I’m definitely trying to get more into sheet masks so this post was perfect for me. I love how they make my skin feel but the feeling of a soggy cloth on my face isn’t the best. I need to look into more hydrogel sheet masks because I like the idea of being able to multi-task when wearing them. That’s the one thing I can’t do with regular sheet masks.


  24. This was one great post, Jenny! As always so informative and full of interesting details that are new to me. I must say cotton and foiled masks are my least favourite – the latter one in particular makes my skin itch! I also do this stupid thing with tacky sheet masks – I wash my face right after wearing them. I know it is dumb, I am washing off the serum, but I feel like whatever’s left on the surface is just a product excess and the rest is probably deep in my skin already. I guess I am wrong! Always confused whether I am doing the right thing! Love the new design btw! xx

  25. Alyssa says:

    This is really helpful! I thought I already nail sheet masking, but it turns out I’m doing one thing wrong. I use sheet masks after I apply an essence but when I’m lazy I use it right after cleansing which happens a lot of times already. I used to be guilty of taking it off longer too but I stick to what the label suggested now :D

    BTW, I love the new look of your blog :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Alyssa! I used to use my sheet mask right after cleansing too, though that’s not bad if the sheet mask itself as awesome ingredients!

  26. Jenny, I hope you don’t stop blogging. I learn so much from you & your posts. You’re the most informative blogger I know. I learn from others, but you really teach us the in’s & out’s of specific topics. Take your trip. Relax and then come back & decide. Sometimes we may think we fall on death ears but it’s so not the case. I also get a lot out of your Twitter posts. I took a break last week from blogging.

    There’s so much to consider when using sheet masks. I haven’t gotten into this trend yet, because there’s so much out there. I have to be cautious with my dry sensitive skin. So I don’t want to mess up. LOL

    • Jenny says:

      You are too kind, thank you so much for the encouragement ❤️

      There are definitely a lot of sheet mask options out there, which can be a good but also dangerous thing. When in doubt, reading the full ingredient list always helps!

  27. Kay (shoesandglitter) says:

    Omg I love your new blog design!!!!!!! Your blog is honestly layout goals, if I could make mine look half as pretty as yours I’d feel so accomplished haha! And this post is actually super useful, I love using sheet masks and do so all the time, but I actually didn’t know about most of these things! My number one mistake is leaving them on for too long for sure… But they just feel so good on the skin!! Super helpful hun, thanks for sharing. <3 xoxo


    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Kay ❤️ It’s funny because I only started blogging because I loved web design, yet I do the latter a lot less frequently now. I totally get what you mean by the sheet mask being too comfortable, hence why I’ve fallen asleep in them multiple times! ????

  28. Oh this is such a great post! I think I probably made all of these mistakes when I first starting using sheet masks. I used to always try to multi-task when I would have my masks on and end up leaving them on for much longer than I should. But I stopped doing that as soon as I saw a few interviews with some Korean stars with amazing skin who said that they would use sheet mask but never leave them on for too long. I do love my sheet masks and notice a difference in my skin when I use them regularly but I do try to be conscious of the ingredients now.

    I’m so sorry to hear about your recent frustrations with blogging and social media Jenny :( I for one would definitely miss you. It’s obvious yu put much effort into your posts and they’re always so informative and helpful. I can understand if you don’t feel the joy from blogging anymore and that you may need to step back. I hope that your vacation will be a good break and maybe renew your interest in blogging again. I love the new look btw!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for the kind words Rowena ❤️ All of these mistakes come from my personal experience, and I’ve definitely fallen asleep multiple times with a sheet mask on! ????

  29. Sam Hodgett says:

    Love your new layout Jenny and very informative post. I’ve never been much of a sheet masking person myself and overall prefer regular masks or bio cellulose masks. Considering that it isn’t an everyday thing for me, the price tag is still reasonable.

    Just like everyone else in the comments, I hope you don’t quit Jenny! We learn so much from you, but I completely understand where you’re coming from. The downs often times outweighs the pros, but I do hope your vacation and break will give you some needed distance, headspace and your inspiration back!

    Sam Hodgett || Beauty & Lifestyle Bits

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for the encouragement Sam ❤️ The vacation is definitely helping, hopefully I’ll be back to posting regularly as soon as I return ☺️

  30. Chrystal says:

    Please don’t quit blogging! I care and would be sad if you quit. I really like your blog, I hope you’ll find inspiration to continue writing, but do what is best for you.

  31. I would care if you quit your blog, Jenny! I never fail to learn something new whenever I come on here.Hope you enjoy your vacation!

    This post has so much useful information! I don’t do sheet masks all the time but when I do, I usually do them before applying my serum, I definitely won’t be doing that again. What ingredients would you advise me to steer clear of when it comes to masks?
    Coco Bella Blog

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words, the vacation is helping a lot!!

      Ingredient wise I would try to look for ones that don’t contain alcohol or artificial fragrances. Also it’d be better if preservatives were listed towards the end rather than the beginning of the list. Basically I try to avoid anything potentially sensitizing in sheet masks, since it has a greater potential to irritate your skin. Hope this helps!

  32. Sabiha says:

    I think everyone feels like that from time to time and ultimately you have to do what is right for you. That said, I love your blog and it is so informative x


  33. Damn something has happend and it seems like it didn’t post my comment. That’s such an useful post! All the tips are amazing and I agree sheet masking everyday would cost a lot. Oh don’t quit, just take a break if you need but believe me stay on blog – literally thanks to your blog I’ve learned so many interesting facts about skincare, even today I’ve shared your post on Vitamin C with a friend :)

    • Jenny says:

      Aw i hate it when I lose my comment too ???? So glad you liked the post, and thank you for the kind words! ❤️❤️ I hope your friend found the vitamin c post helpful!

  34. Bambi says:

    That’s such a great and interesting post! I used sheet mask more often but lately I’m too lazy for them, I might go back to them soon but still you’ve posted lots of interested tips.

  35. Love the new design!!

    Really information-packed, clear and useful post! I personally sheet mask quite often as it’s also me-time as well. I have dehydration-prone skin so I like the extra oomph of moisture/hydration I get from sheet masks. I’ve discovered many affordable yet easy-fitting and effective masks, so personally I don’t feel it’s necessary to drop +$10 to one-use sheet mask. I really enjoy your blog and I hope you keep posting whenever you feel like it. <3

    xx Laura / Laura Loukola Art & Beauty Blog

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Laura! ❤️ I agree, there are some fantastic affordable sheet masks, though sometimes they can be hard to find with all the crappy sheet masks out there ???? I still like the occasional pricey ones for special days though!

  36. Becky says:

    WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I FIRST STARTED MASKING but either way I learned a lot even though I think I’m a pretty seasoned masker! I used to sheet mask almost every day the winter before this one and honestly it did my skin so good?? But that being said, I do have superdry skin that flakes off, and I noticed that my skin wasn’t flaking when I was masking *that* regularly. Of course the downside is the $$ and not really being able to eat/drink/talk during that time haha :p

    I totally get what you mean with blogging – I’m in that position right now too! I haven’t posted since weeks ago, though I’m still (kind of) regularly commenting – I enjoy reading and interacting with bloggers, but just the whole getting things to be perfect thing on my end makes it not as enjoyable. It’s very much an on and off thing for me though, I’ve always gone through months of consistent posting followed up by months of very sporadic posting.

    • Jenny says:

      Yay I’m glad you still found it helpful after your years of masking! I think as long as you use decent masks sheet masking more often isn’t as bad, except when it comes to your wallet ????

      That’s great that you still enjoy keeping up with other bloggers, for me I kinda shut down completely and I do feel a bit bad for missing out on all you guys’ content ???? And yes, totally agree with you on the stress to create the perfect content, it definitely takes away some of the fun.

  37. The less than impressive ingredient list is why sheet masks are rare in my routine. I have only found a few that I love ingredient and result wise and those are pretty expensive.
    Your post is a refreshing and honest take on a trend that has everyone running around with their faces covered, and blog posts like this are the reason why I would say: Please don’t quit! I do care if you blog, and I would miss your posts a lot.
    Enjoy your holiday and hopefully come back refreshed and inspired.

    Anne – Linda, Libra, Loca

    • Jenny says:

      Yeah there are sooo many different sheet masks out there, it’s a pain trying to find ones that are affordable and give good results.

      Thank you for the kind words Anne, it means a lot. I’m hoping this vacation will refresh and inspire me as well, fingers crossed!

  38. Shireen says:

    Yikes on the sheet masking every day, I did that for about a year back in 2016. I do pay attention about ingredients so I’m good there and yes, I have been using sheet mask after serum too so yay me! Jenny, I wish I have words of encouragement for you about blogging and social medias but I have none. It would break my heart if you quit because I learn so much from you but on the other hand it would be hypocritical of me to say stay when I am toying with the idea of quitting myself. I do hope you stay or at least stay active on Instagram, maybe try micro-blogging?

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    • Jenny says:

      I used to do the same but after I heard what the derms said I figured better be safe than sorry so I’ve dialed it back a lot ????

      Aw no, you’re thinking of quitting too? ???? I do hope you get that new job, and as always, real life comes first so I can understand where you’re coming from. I actually enjoy writing the long posts more than micro-blogging, so if anything I might quit IG first, but vacation first, decisions later!

    • You toy with the idea of quitting yourself? Oh dear, I think I need some schnapps.

      • Shireen says:

        I am, Anne and I’ll know better next week. I might be getting another job (fingers crossed) and probably will get more hours and I don’t know how I am to juggle blogging then. Blogging takes up a lot of time a you already know and Little Tyke now demands more and more attention, something has to give and I’m afraid it’ll be the blog. I probably will still be active on IG though but we’ll see.

        • Oh dear. I really, really hope you’ll get the job that you wish for, but Shireen – you will break my heart. Which is for sure less important than not having time to spend with your family, especially with your kid.

  39. yanrula says:

    Please don’t quit! I enjoy reading your posts and reviews a lot!

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